About SIMS

About SIMS Hospitality

State Institute of Management Studies (SIMS) is one of the premier Hospitality & Hotel Management Institute in Delhi-NCR region and it is managed by Strenuous Group of Institutions Society of India. (SGIS) Registered in Delhi, under Indian Constitution Act 1860, section 21.

SIMS Institute is a self financed institute, offering superior or high standard quality education to students from all corners of the country. It is developing as the institution of excellence imparting Hospitality & Tourism education and generating competent professionals with a high degree of credibility, integrity and ethical standards.

We aim at recognize, respect and nurture the creative potential of each and every student according to the needs of Hospitality & Tourism Industry


  • Hands on Training for Each Course
  • State of the Art Commercial Kitchen
  • State of Art Equipment
  • Limited seats per batch for personalized attention
  • Detail printed course material
  • Special weekend classes for working people
  • Convenient Timings
  • After completion of this course we are providing 6 months Industrial Training in India and Abroad in Star Hotels with Stipend, Fooding and Lodging on sharing basis.
Hotel Management Institute in delhi